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STAT4U - overview

Current version:

STAT4U internet service

STAT4U internet service (sill developed and updated since 1997) provides statistics of visits to your web pages. It was the first WWW statistics service in Poland. After filling-in registration form and pasting into client's web page HTML code delivered by the system via e-mail you have the ability to track visits to your web pages. Our service will help you gather information, necessary for every web page owner like how many visitors you have, when and from where they come and lots of other data. Programming is mine, but creadits for idea and maintaning the service go to Da_none as well.
Version v2.50.5.34 is currently in service (since ~2015.11).
For more see

STAT4U Client for Windows

Downloads and displays web statistics collected and processed in STAT4U system. Allows better and more flexible presentation than traditional web-based interface. Program is designed exclusively to work with STAT4U service. Statistics data is presented by charts, pie-charts, tables and maps. Users can configure in deatils the way data is displayed, print and save tables/charts as BMP/GIF/JPG files.

Copyright (c)1994-2024, Jakub Noniewicz. All Rights Reserved. Last update: 2024.05.30.