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Software | Windows | Android | Linux


Blue Cat Factory Android and Windows games
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Q4Uv1.0.4.57 Universal E-learning System
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Q4U Universal E-learning System is an easy tool for creating, solving and scoring multimedia multiple choice tests. Q4U consists of test designer integrated with management center (Windows app) and web-based test solver. Read more...

Button Generatorv1.0.3.12 Simple yet powerful graphics tool to create buttons
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Button generator is designed to help you easy create multiple image buttons for your web pages, programs, presentations and any other projects. You simply apply given captions onto blank button image (loaded or generated by the program). You may define button shape, gradient, size, font parameters and more. You can choose button shapes from presets and you can add your own settings to presets. Program generates as many buttons as many captions you type. It is possible to load previously prepared image (blank button) and use it as a base for buttons you create. It is also possible to cut big image into many buttons, so each button uses different part of base image. Program produces *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg and *.png output. Read more...

STAT4Uv1.2.0.34 Windows Client (Polish only)
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Windows client for popular Polish web statistics system STAT4U (also created by me) with lots of presentation/configuration possibilities. Read more...

TurboWieszcz++v2.0.1.4 Windows / 2.2 Andorid Poem generator (Polish only)
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TurboWieszcz++ is just a simple poem generator for: Windows, Andorid, Commodore C-64, ZX Spectrum and multitude of other platforms/languages. It is in Polish only. Read more...

eBudzikv1.0.2.6 Alarm-clock
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Simple alarm-clock. It shows an analog or digital clock and allows to set alarm at given time which then plays selected *.mp3, *.mpg (audio) or *.wav file until stopped by user. Read more...

Font testv1.0.2.6 Multiple fonts viewer
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Font test is a very simple program. It helps to decide what font(s) to use. It is only intended to show given text or range of characters using given fonts. You may choose all installed or just some selected fonts to use. After text is shown it can be copy-pasted into eg. MS Word or other rich text application. Read more...

NeEditv1.2.2.98 BETA Multi-tab plain text editor + calculator and conversion tools
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Powerfull multi-tab and multi-document text editor with built-in advanced calculator and lots of conversion tools. Reads RTF format. Read more...

Kroton Medical FTPv1.0.2 Medical data secure transfer FTP client (Polish only)

More soon...

Kroton-Kardiov3.3.2 Medical database for cardiology (Polish only)

Database application supporting cardio-surgery clinics (hemodynamics, echo and more). Based on Firebird database server with Windows client applications. Still under maintenance. Written for See also: Read more...

Kroton-Browserv1.0.7 Medical documentation and DICOM database (Polish only)

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AVIOv1.0 BETA Unconventional video processing, manipulation and effects tool

Pi Playv1.0.0.0 BETA Applicatio to play PI number any any other text data as audio

Play PI number (and other text data) via MIDI. Read more...

CamSnapv1.0 BETA 

Wycinankav1.0 BETA 


Projekt Mirażev1.0 Software for artistic installation project


Bibliografia BTLv1.0 Database of Polish bibliography of Bialystok Puppet Theatre

Web pages created @

Club of art creators from Wałcz
Polish-Burma Solidarity NGO
Welcome To Hell project
Edward Noniewicz art gallery
Beeble Brox Gallery
Nigdy-Nigdy Gallery
T.OP Tank
Zbigniew Brodowski

Copyright (c)1994-2024, Jakub Noniewicz. All Rights Reserved. Last update: 2024.05.30.