- NeEdit 
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NeEdit - overview

Current version: BETA

I'm sorry, it is only BETA version (ZIP only - without installer). Any documentation regarding NeEdit is most likely outdated. This program took a lot to develop to current stage, but it has never been trully finished... However I hope it can still be usefull. More info inside ZIP.

Notepad.exe + Calculator.exe = NeEdit!

NeEdit is a multi-document plain text editor. But it's not only that. It is also a calculator and conversion tool. It may look similar to other such editors (freeware or shareware) but unlike the others it has a lot of powerful and unique features. First of all it allows you to view/edit many text documents at once. It also has a powerful built-in calculator capabilities. You can write complex arithmetic formula (or many of them in separate lines), even with variables and functions and then calculate it by just pressing CTRL+=. Need more? It has a hex editor, an advanced list generator, calendar , multi-level undo/redo and multi-clipboard features. AND THERE IS MORE.

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NeEdit has many text-processing and replacing options like: case conversion, tabs/spaces conversion, code-page conversion, binary-decimal-hexadecimal conversion, arabic-roman number conversion, number to text (polish/english), ROT13, universal converter for temperature, length, mass, infromation values/units and numeber base conversion, extracting column from selection by splitting it by given separator character or string, binary files as text import, unicode import and many other. It is an ideal solution for students, scientists, home users and anyone who needs to perform unique text processing, calculations or conversions that otherwise would require writting other programs/scripts to do the job.

NeEdit key features:

- Highly configurable,
- Multi-level (user-defined) undo/redo,
- Customizable toolbar,
- Status bar with useful status information,
- User defined key shortcuts,
- Ability to read RTF files,
- Go to line feature,
- Bookmakrs,
- Configurable autosave,
- Almost unlimited number of files via document tabs (optional),
- Universal converter for temperature, length, mass, information and number base conversion (from 2 up to 36) conversion,
- Mathematical expressions evaluation – with variables (this is my favorite),
- Hex editor,
- "Ask" feature - opens web browser pointed at querying for text in NeEdit's selection,
- Ability to remember editor’s size and position for every file you open,
- Useful file operations: reopen recent, open in new window, reload from disk, block read/write,
- Files can be opened via drag-drop, shell run or pipe,
- Cyber slangize funny feature,
- Backup copies files can be created when saving (with user-defined extension).
- Multi-clipboard can store many strings you can choose from when paste,
- Advanced list generator,
- Load/save in CRLF/LF/CR formats (Windows/UNIX/Amiga/Mac),
- Code pages (ISO-8859-2, CP-1250) conversion (for polish text),
- User defined file associations,
- Grep-like search feature (list lines and allow to jump to them),
- Minimalization to system tray,
- ASCII to CHAR and CHAR to ASCII (on whole blocks) conversion,
- Split (extract) column feature.
- Number to text (polish/english), roman <-> arabic numbers conversion,
- Favorite texts make you writting faster,
- Binary/decimal/hexadecimal numbers conversion (even when there are non-numeric characters in the block of text),
- Uppercase/lowercase, tabs/spaces and ROT13 conversion,
- Indent, trim and unwrap features,
- Date (in customized format) can be inserted into text,
- hex value <-> color <-> hex value view/conversion,
- Binary file import (in C, Pascal or plain hex style).


Copyright (c)1994-2024, Jakub Noniewicz. All Rights Reserved. Last update: 2024.05.30.