- Font Test 
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Software | Windows | Android | Linux


 2022.05.25: Updated Font Test v1.0.2.6 released as open source.
 2022.05.20: Created few new TurboWieszcz++ incarnations.
 2020.04.22: Moving to new machne.
 2017.10.22: Created GitHub repository and added TurboWieszcz in Python, more will follow


Blue Cat Factory Android and Windows games
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Get it on Google Play

Button Generatorv1.0.3.12 Simple yet powerful graphics tool to create buttons
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Button generator is designed to help you easy create multiple image buttons for your web pages, programs, presentations and any other projects. You simply apply given captions onto blank button image (loaded or generated by the program). You may define button shape, gradient, size, font parameters and more. You can choose button shapes from presets and you can add your own settings to presets. Program generates as many buttons as many captions you type. It is possible to load previously prepared image (blank button) and use it as a base for buttons you create. It is also possible to cut big image into many buttons, so each button uses different part of base image. Program produces *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg and *.png output. Read more...

STAT4Uv1.2.0.34 Windows Client (Polish only)
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Windows client for popular Polish web statistics system STAT4U (also created by me) with lots of presentation/configuration possibilities. Read more...

Q4Uv1.0.4.57 Universal E-learning System
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Q4U Universal E-learning System is an easy tool for creating, solving and scoring multimedia multiple choice tests. Q4U consists of test designer integrated with management center (Windows app) and web-based test solver. Read more...

TurboWieszcz++v2.0.1.4 Windows / 2.2 Andorid Poem generator (Polish only)
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TurboWieszcz++ is just a simple poem generator for: Windows, Andorid, Commodore C-64, ZX Spectrum and multitude of other platforms/languages. It is in Polish only. Read more...

For more click here.

Copyright (c)1994-2024, Jakub Noniewicz. All Rights Reserved. Last update: 2024.05.30.